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  • الدراسات العليا

        الدراسات العليا في قسم هندسة الحاسوب: الجدول الاسبوعي المنهج الدراسي الاطاريح والرسائل شؤون الدراسات العليا شؤون الطلبة المبتعثين المواد الدراسية الخاصة بالامتحان التنافسي المستمسكات المطلوبة للتقديم للدراسات العليا جدول توقيتات التقديم والقبول بالدراسات العليا نظام التقديم و القبول للدراسات العليا مواصفات كتابة الرسالة او الاطروحة تحميل قالب الاطروحة المواد الدراسية لامتحان الرصانة الدكتوراه المنهاج المطلوب لامتحان الرصانه العلمية لطلبة الدكتوراه المواد الدراسية لامتحان الرصانة الماجستير  

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  • الخطة الدراسية

         الخطة الدراسية للفروع العلمية: هندسة المعلومات هندسة شبكات الحاسوب

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  • الخريجون

    خريجو القسم للدراسات الاولية و الدراسات العليا

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  • المحاضرات

    اطلع على اخر المحاضرات المنشورة من قبل اساتذة القسم

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  • التعليم الالكتروني

    DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER Engineering - UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY E-LEARNING USING GOOGLE CLASSROOM تم تفعيل التعليم الإلكتروني في قسم هندسة الحاسوب حسب توجيهات رئاسة الجامعة التكنولوجية وحسب الخطوات التالي: - تصميم وإطلاق إستمارة التسجيل للحصول على البريد الرسمي لطلبة الدراسات الاولية على الرابط (https://goo.gl/YVKxS6) و طلبــة الدراســـات الـــعليا علــى الــــرابط (https://goo.gl/uDuKkB).  - مخاطبة مركز تكنولوجيا المعلومات لإنشاء الحسابات الرسمية للطلبة المسجلين. - البدء بإنشاء الصفوف الإلكترونية للدراسات العليا وإضافة التدريسيين وطلابهم حسب المواد العلمية.   فيديو تعريفي عن كيفية إستعمال بيئة التعليم الإلكتروني Google Classroom الجدول الاسبوعي للدراسة الصباحية الجدول الاسبوعي للدراسة المسائية    

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  • مشاريع التخرج

    مشاريع تخرج الطلبة الخاصة بقسم هندسة الحاسوب

الدراسات العليا

طارق مصطاف رضوان


Cheating in the exam is defined as the desire to obtain high grades that are not worthy of the cheating student. Almost all educational programs evaluate the understanding of the materials by the class takers through in-class or online tests. Usually, these tests require monitoring for the entire period of the allowed time. Manual abnormal behavior detection methods may no longer be completely effective in fully preventing fraud during exams. In particular, abnormal behavior involves a wide range of activities such as passing the paper, peering through others’ papers, and signaling to others. The motivations of this research are to reduce cheating during exams, discover different types of cheating, and reduce the cost of monitoring on exams. The contributions of this work are the application of an intelligent approach using deep learning to effectively detect suspicious behaviors in the exam in real-time, and theََimplemented algorithm detects any suspicious behavior in the exams based on a learned object detection agent on a custom build image dataset that collects all possible cheating attempts in a classroom. A dataset named Tariquot Set was created and developed, which consisted of 12800 images taken in different environments in terms of environmental conditions, lighting and number of students. The dataset was divided into 70% for training and 30% for testing. During the Computer Vision Annotation Tool (CVAT) and the detection stage through the You Only Look Once version4 (YOLO v4) algorithm, the cheating sheets were divided into nine classes, which are (signals, talk, turning, standing, looking at another student’s answer, exchanging things, using the mobile, using the rivet, and opening or raising the answer sheet for another student to look at). Include experimental results that obtained from model inference which shows high cheating detection accuracy which approximately equals to 97.81%, and this result proves our benchmarks results and shows that our platform has higher accuracy than that of alternative models.

تالة عدي عبدالله


Software-defined network (SDN) is one of the most predominant technologies for networking in the existing and next-generation networks. SDN can configure, control, protect, and optimize network resources through software. The fundamental benefit of SDN is enabling the application of dynamic management. In addition, the literature shows that partitioning a software-defined wide area network (SD-WAN) into several logical networks in an efficient manner will optimize its performance. This intensifies the motivation to design an algorithm to slice SD-WAN into several virtual networks according to the server-clients’ correlation using Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN). The several virtual networks in SD-WAN aim to improve its Quality of Service (QoS) and reduce its broadcasting domain. The proposed framework consists of two parts. The first part is the management algorithm that finds the best server for each client; then it groups this server with their client in a detected logical network. The second part includes creating a VLAN for each logical network in an SD-WAN. The optimal path of SD-WAN is computed by employing the Dijkstra algorithm using MATLAB programming in the application plan. The application of the POX controller calculates and maintains the dynamic VLAN, which will be applied by the control plan to slice the topologies in the data plan. Several SD-WAN topologies are tested before and after applying VLANs. The results show enhancement in latency by 42.85%, throughput by 4.61%, loss packet by 72% and jitter by 47.86% after applying VLAN. Finally, the greatest gain is reducing the broadcasting ratio by 91.30%.

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الجدول الاسبوعي الدراسة الصباحية  
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الطلبة الاوائل
